Tortoiseshell vs Chantilly/Tiffany - Breed Comparison

Tortoiseshell vs Chantilly/Tiffany - Breed ComparisonBoth Tortoiseshell and Chantilly/Tiffany are originated from United States. Both Tortoiseshell and Chantilly/Tiffany are having almost same weight. Tortoiseshell may live 4 years more than Chantilly/Tiffany. Both Tortoiseshell and Chantilly/Tiffany has same litter size. Tortoiseshell requires Moderate maintenance. But Chantilly/Tiffany requires Low maintenance


tortoiseshell - historyThe Tortoiseshell isn’t a cat breed but rather a coat coloring of cats. It just happens that most tortoiseshell cats are females.

Known as Torties, these cats always have a couple of colors such as red and black as well as some fawn.

Tortoiseshell cats with the tabby pattern are referred to as Torbie cats. Tortoiseshell markings appear in many different breeds.

chantilly tiffany - historyThe beautiful Chantilly/Tiffany cat gets people thinking the cat is a semi-longhaired Burmese, but of course, it's not.

The way the Chantilly came about was that there were a pair of chocolate-colored cats but their origins were unknown. The first litter of Chantilly kittens was born in New York in 1969 and people were so taken up by the beautiful kittens that a breeding program was started.

The cat was first started as a foreign longhair and then it changed to Tiffany. In a British registry, a cat breed that was a cross between a Chinchilla Persian and a Burmese was named the Tiffanie and renamed Chantilly and referred to as the Chantilly/Tiffany.

The breed is recognized by most major cat registries.

Basic Information

United States
United States
Weight Male:
3 - 7 kg
6 - 16 pounds
4 - 6 kg
8 - 14 pounds
Weight Female:
3 - 7 kg
6 - 16 pounds
4 - 6 kg
8 - 14 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 20 Years
14 - 16 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 6
2 - 6
Other Names:
Colors Available:
black, fawn, tan and organge, Cream
fawn, cinnamon, black, lilac and blue, Chocolate brown
Short to long haired
Semi-long with no undercoat
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Stubborn, Sweet, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Sweet, Territorial
Moderate maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


tortoiseshell kitten - descriptionTortoiseshell cats are your regular-sized cats. They can be medium-sized to large and weigh anything between 3 and 7kg.

They come in different colors and patterns. The colors are essentially cream, fawn, black, tan, and orange. Tortoiseshell markings appear in all the different cat breeds.

Because the tortoiseshell cat is a color and not a cat breed as such they can be different sizes and shapes.


Tortoiseshell cats aren't a specific breed, but there are people that believe that just the color of the coat is indicative of the personality – feisty and lively.

People who have owned these cats say they have a sassy temperament and can even be just a wee bit aggressive sometimes with their strong-willed attitude.

The Chantilly is a medium-sized cat that can weight between 4 to 6kg.

chantilly tiffany kitten - descriptionThe cat has a fairly broad head with widely spaced ears of medium size. The eyes are oval-shaped and gold in color. The fur is semi-long and there is no undercoat. The tail is plumed.

Apart from the original chocolate brown of the cat, other colors of the coat can include fawn, cinnamon, black, lilac and blue, with the chocolate brown being the favorite color.


The Chantilly promises to be a devoted and loyal feline companion for you, much preferring the company of his human family than to being alone.

It gets on well with other pets in the house as well as with respectful, gentle children. He isn't a demanding cat and he tries to talk with his family by chirping. It’s a balanced cat, with a fair share of docility and energy, making the cat an ideal companion for single people, couples, families, and elderly people.

It’s a cat that is so devoted, it will follow his human family around the house.


tortoiseshell cat - characteristicsYour Tortoiseshell is a beautiful cat and fondly referred to as a Tortie. It has a coat similar to the coloring of a tortoise, but the temperament of the cat will rely much on your own personality and the lifestyle you provide him with.

They are fairly vocal, but because this cat isn't a breed but rather a coat color, nobody can say precisely how it will turn out in personality.

One thing is sure, if you offer your Tortoiseshell lots of love and care, you can be sure of a wonderful feline friend.

chantilly tiffany cat - characteristicsThe Chantilly/Tiffany is a gentle and kind breed that is playful and easy-going. They are just your typical middle-of-the-road cats that are not too much or too little of anything.

The Tiffany is playful, docile, happy and content and he wants to be your friend and companion.

If you are looking for a breed of cat that is loyal to its human family, allow this cat into your home... you won't have any regrets.

Health Problems

tortoiseshell kittens - health problemsYour cat's health depends on good food. If your finances allow, choose a high-quality food. Check the label for the feeding guidelines.

Always remember that your cat's age - kittens, adults, and senior cats have different nutritional needs. Sick cats will require a different type of food. Watch your cat's weight because being overweight can bring on a host of illnesses such as diabetes.

A cat has to have access to fresh drinking water every day and night to remain healthy.

Ensuring your feline friend is exercised both mentally and physically is important for good health.

Speak to your vet about the vaccines your cat needs as well as flea prevention.

chantilly tiffany kittens - health problemsThere is no health issue that the Tiffany is prone to. Like any cat, a healthy diet will keep the Tiffany healthy for years.

These cats are known to have delicate digestive systems so avoid foods with grain if possible. The Tiffany has full hair in their ears, and wax build-up can occur so the inside of his ears must be checked. Checking the ears once a week, as part of a regular routine that includes brushing, and tooth care, should be sufficient to keep the ear canals clear.

Other issues, which are not detrimental but should be kept in mind, are reports that the Tiffany has delicate digestion. This cat relies on a regular diet that doesn't chop and change often.

Because the Tiffany is a low-shedding cat, it is thought to be a popular breed with those people who are allergic to cat hair.

Caring The Pet

tortoiseshell cats - caringCats are known to be independent but they still need your care and attention. Before you take a Tortoiseshell into your home, prepare for his arrival.

Make sure you have food and drinking bowls ready, a comfortable bed, a stylish cat collar and tag of identification, cat accessories such as a brush, toys, and some top-quality cat food.

If you work all day, maybe it would be a good idea to get 2 cats as some cats can get very lonely during the day, and adding a companion can be an excellent solution for his loneliness.

Always be in touch with the vet if you see that your cat isn’t behaving in his usual way.

Your cat will need to be taken for check-ups and also all the necessary cat vaccinations required to ward off deadly cat illnesses.

Provide your cat with a litter box and make sure you remove the cat feces every day.

Provide your cat with toys. Choose them carefully to keep your cat happy and amused. Buy a scratching post too as all cats want to scratch and you want to save your furniture from your cat using it to scratch on.


chantilly tiffany cats - caringThe Chantilly needs an excellet diet and exercise to ensure he doesn’t become to overweght. Remember that cats are carnivores, and this means they have nutritional requirements that can only be met with meat – they can never do well on a diet high in carbohydrates and will develop digestive problems. Your cat will also require clean, fresh water aroud thd clock to ensure his good health.

Ensure each cat you have has a litter box andencourae good litter box habits by cleaning th litter box every day. Keeping the litter box clean also alerts you anything unusual with your cat’s toilet habits.

Provide your cat with a scratching post and a climbing tree.

The cat doesn’t have an undercoat and is therefore easy to groom. With his semi-long hair, you can brush him once a week to keep the coat soft and shiny. The coat is also low shedding.

Check inside his ears and inside his mouth to ensure there is no redness and signs of infection.

Schedule regular vet visits for your cat for his cat vaccines and for when he is sick.

Spay or neuter your cat to prevent unwanted kittens. Spaying and neutering prevents uterine infections and certain cancers in the felines.

Comparison with other breeds

  1. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Abyssinian - Breed Comparison
  2. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Aegean - Breed Comparison
  3. Chantilly/Tiffany vs African Serval - Breed Comparison
  4. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Chausie - Breed Comparison
  5. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Bobtail - Breed Comparison
  6. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Curl - Breed Comparison
  7. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Keuda - Breed Comparison
  8. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Longhair - Breed Comparison
  9. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Polydactyl - Breed Comparison
  10. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Shorthair - Breed Comparison
  11. Chantilly/Tiffany vs American Wirehair - Breed Comparison
  12. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Applehead Siamese - Breed Comparison
  13. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Ashera - Breed Comparison
  14. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Asian - Breed Comparison
  15. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Asian Semi-Longhair - Breed Comparison
  16. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Australian Mist - Breed Comparison
  17. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Balinese - Breed Comparison
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  23. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Brazilian Shorthair - Breed Comparison
  24. Chantilly/Tiffany vs Bristol - Breed Comparison
  25. Chantilly/Tiffany vs British Longhair - Breed Comparison
  26. Tortoiseshell vs Tabby - Breed Comparison
  27. Tortoiseshell vs Thai - Breed Comparison
  28. Tortoiseshell vs Tiger Cat - Breed Comparison
  29. Tortoiseshell vs Tonkinese - Breed Comparison
  30. Tortoiseshell vs Torby - Breed Comparison
  31. Tortoiseshell vs Abyssinian - Breed Comparison
  32. Tortoiseshell vs Aegean - Breed Comparison
  33. Tortoiseshell vs African Serval - Breed Comparison
  34. Tortoiseshell vs Chausie - Breed Comparison
  35. Tortoiseshell vs American Bobtail - Breed Comparison
  36. Tortoiseshell vs American Curl - Breed Comparison
  37. Tortoiseshell vs American Keuda - Breed Comparison
  38. Tortoiseshell vs American Longhair - Breed Comparison
  39. Tortoiseshell vs American Polydactyl - Breed Comparison
  40. Tortoiseshell vs American Shorthair - Breed Comparison
  41. Tortoiseshell vs American Wirehair - Breed Comparison
  42. Tortoiseshell vs Applehead Siamese - Breed Comparison
  43. Tortoiseshell vs Ashera - Breed Comparison
  44. Tortoiseshell vs Asian - Breed Comparison
  45. Tortoiseshell vs Asian Semi-Longhair - Breed Comparison
  46. Tortoiseshell vs Australian Mist - Breed Comparison
  47. Tortoiseshell vs Balinese - Breed Comparison
  48. Tortoiseshell vs Bengal - Breed Comparison
  49. Tortoiseshell vs Bicolor - Breed Comparison
  50. Tortoiseshell vs Birman - Breed Comparison

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