Sumxu Cat Breed Information, Images, Characteristics, Health

History - Sumxu for Sale

The Sumxu is an odd-looking cat with its droopy ears or drop-ears. The truth is, the cat is considered extinct and the last reported Chinese lop-eared cat was way back in 1938.

According to reports, the cat seems to have first made an appearance in 1656 and was always described as a curiosity. It seems as if they were valued as pets but they were also used as food. A Polish man was the first Westerner to describe the Sumxu in his illustrated book Flora Sinensis. The breed was once found in and around Peking and resembled a long-haired Scottish Fold.

Basic Information - Sumxu for Sale

Weight Male:
4 - 7 kg8 - 16 pounds
Weight Female:
4 - 7 kg8 - 16 pounds
Life Span:
10 - 15 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 6
Other Names:
Colors Available:
Yellowish color
Long, silky, shiny
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Curious, Energetic, Friendly, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Territorial
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:

Description - Sumxu for Sale

The Chinese have always eaten this cat and because it has always been found in restrictive conditions the cat lost its keen sense of hearing because it no longer needed to hunt. The cat's ears lost their upright nature and became the hanging ears that are characteristic of the Chinese cat.

The cat had a long silky, shiny coat and was a dirty yellowy type of color. It had a ruff, a thick tail and blue, slanted eyes. It is thought that the size of the Sumxu was somewhat larger than the standard cat so he would have been a medium to large-sized cat, weighing in the region of 4 to 7kg. He was thick-set and muscular.


It is thought that this cat wasn’t particularly active and that it seems to only become really animated when offered food, preferring to lie beside a warm fire than to be found outside. We can only assume that it was a fairly quiet cat.

Characteristics - Sumxu for Sale

Not much is known of the character of the Sumxu cat as it is now extinct. It doesn't matter what kind of cat you have because every cat needs to be loved and well cared for. If you can't do that, then why get a cat in the first place.

One wonders what kind of pet the Sumxu cat would have made?

Health Problems - Sumxu for Sale

The Sumxu cat should have seen the veterinarian every year for an examination and to make sure his vaccinations and deworming were up to date.

Every cat deserves to be taken to the vet when they are sick or injured.

It is never a good idea to give your cat medication that hasn't been prescribed by the vet. If the Sumxu cat had ingested a poisonous substance, it would have been kind to call the vet. It would have been dangerous for the Chinese to eat such a cat that had ingested poison.

While cats should be spayed and neutered, it is quite possible that the Sumxu cat was eaten before it ever had a chance to become a parent. Neutering and spaying a cat has health benefits for the cat and can prevent cancers.

Caring The Pet - Sumxu for Sale

One would have hoped that the now-extinct Sumxu cat received high-quality cat food. If you don't know what to feed your cat, your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best diet. The cat food manufacturers always produce foods that take into account the cat's age and activity levels.

Certainly, every cat needs taurine, an essential amino acid, for heart and eye health. The food you choose for your cat should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

You will need to provide fresh, cool water for your cat at all times. Wash and refill your cat’s water bowls regularly.

Take your pet to your vet for any signs of illness such as diarrhea, vomiting or lethargy.

The Sumxu cat would have required a brush every few days as the coat was long and silky. Brushing helps keep your cat's coat free of dust and loose hairs.

The Sumxu would have needed a warm, clean dry place to sleep.

Every cat that goes outdoors should have a collar and ID tag.

Your cat will need a litter box which should be placed in a quiet, accessible location. The Sumxu cat would not have liked feces in his litter box, and litter boxes of all cats should be kept clean.

Comparison with other breeds

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